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  • Once upon a time, residents decided to regain control of their city from Big Real Estate This is the first of a weekly series – a round-up of news from around the city to tell the emerging story of the fight to wrest our future out of REBNY’s hands. A.  The Beginning: Awakening from Civic […]

  • New Yorkers for a Human-Scale City Dear Neighbors in Tribeca, You signed our petition to protect Tribeca. You put up anti-demolition posters in your windows.  You supported our research.  We thank you for all you have done. It is because of you that Tribeca Trust was able to obtain a meeting with the Chair of […]

  • Come and meet your neighbors and Tribeca Trust at Walker’s (16 N. Moore at Varick ) Tuesday, October 27 6:30-8:30 PM Meet us at Walker’s for an informal gathering over drinks to talk about Tribeca and some of the issues currently challenging our beloved neighborhood’s history and livability. We so rarely take time to connect […]

  • Update for Tribecans: (If you already know the situation, scroll Down  “What You Can Do” and for Clocktower News) By, Lynn Ellsworth, Tribeca Trust The Current Situation There are 33 buildings in Tribeca “in speculative play” among developers – some of them already with demolition permits in place.  This means that the human scale of […]

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