67 Vestry- unchanged – third party application underway for National Registry of Historic Places. Will Aby Rosen buy into that idea and turn this building into 100% affordable housing (which it is already) rather than demo it for luxury housing? Photo immediately below.
31 Desbrosses- demolition complete (see images)
360 Broadway and 57 Franklin- no change yet, although tenants report being asked to leave
51 Park Place (Burlington/Merck/AP) and 43-45 Park Place (Duncan & Sons)- covered in netting, demolition begun? (see image)
426 Washington Street (carriage house)- recently renovated, soon to be surrounded by glass
108 Chambers (formally City Hall Wines)- built 1930?, store moved, roll gate covers windows so unknown if they still remain, eventual demolition extremely likely
268 West Street- demolition begun (see image)
84 Walker (former studio of Frank Stella)- unchanged
54 Leonard Street – Scaffolding up, Bad Stuff in Progress….