This photo was taken at the landmarks preservation commission yesterday. The landmarks preservation commission today called the new abstract design for 100 Franklin to be a creative response to the “tyranny of the context.” That is very strange language for a group that is supposed to be a steward of our historic assets. I beg […]
This is what DDG Partners now proposes for the parking lot site at 100 Franklin. It is up for a hearing tomorrow, Tuesday the 14th at noon at the 9th floor of 1 Centre Street. As a fan of brick, I was at first glad to notice the image from across the room. But on […]
13 Jan '14
This photo from Canada (the Royal Ontario Museum, designed by Tribecan Daniel Libeskind) illustrates the problem historic districts confront when strategy #3 described below is employed by architects and developers. Below is a copy of testimony we presented to our Community Board in December. Policy Issues Related to 100 Franklin Street Copy of Testimony presented […]
20 Dec '13
I expected bike lanes. But these look more like new parking spots for city workers…
The reveal of the restoration is going to be beautiful. Puffy’s Tavern will be the new best place to hang out since the view from their windows is now so improved.
I believe the first two photographs are of the same building. The site has become a parking lot.
Here we see 69 Worth Street. We are looking north, most likely in 1898 (photo from Museum of City of NY). The street was “textile row” back then. The left side where Mr. Bowler Hat walks looks pretty much the same now (2013) as it did in 1898. But the right side of the street […]
09 Dec '13
The first photo shows quite an astonishing pile at 407 Broadway, taken around 1900. It is between Walker and Lispenard Streets, on the west side of the street. It was a bank on the ground floor and other commercial enterprises that you can see in the windows. I am intrigued by the glimpse of […]
Here is a photo of the Long Company Warehouse (1910) at the intersection of Washington and Murray Streets. We are looking south (to the left slightly) to Washington Market. Note the fine cobblestones and streetcar tracks. Is that a McCormick spice sign above the left wagon? The owner of Long’s was a self-made entrepreneur […]
Here we see an image of New York Hospital, dating from the early 1800′s. It occupied a 5 acre lot bounded by Worth, Broadway, Duane, and Church Street. The hospital complex included a “lunatic asylum” of 80 beds seen on the far left. The hospital board found the commercialization of the Broadway frontage impossible […]
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19 Sep
Public Memorial Celebration of Oliver E. Allen in Duane Park Next Week
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20 Apr
We’re back, with News from Tribeca Trust
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01 Sep
Fire Tragedy in Tribeca – 111 Church Street Aflame
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